List of MOVs for IPCRF of Teachers I-III for SY 2020-2021


For SY 2020-2021, performance of teachers shall be rated based on Memorandum DM-PHROD-2021-0010 or the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) for School Year 2020-2021 through the IPCRF.

This is a modified version of the previously implemented RPMS with adjustments made in accordance to the working conditions of teachers and non-teaching personnel due to COVID-19 pandemic. 

For teachers, the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) shall remain as the tool for rating their performance. The new guidelines have included 12 PPST indicators or objectives in the IPCRF. 

All indicators or objectives require at least 2 means of verification or MOVs for the entire school year 2020-2021. 

The following are the suggested activities for Proficient Teachers (Teachers I-III) to achieve the objectives and secure MOVs for each objective. 

Objectives 1, 5, and 7 require a rated classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet/inter-observer agreement form as MOVs. To be rated, a teacher must be observed by a Master Teacher (MT), Head Teacher (HT), Teacher In-Charge (TIC), or Principal.

Classroom observation could be any of the following:

  • Online observation
  • Observation of a video lesson
  • Observation of a demonstration teaching via Learning Action Cell (LAC)
  • Only 2 observations are required, the first could be done between January and March 2021 and the second between April and May 2021. (May differ for areas with prolonged suspension of classes due to typhoons and floods.)

For Objectives 2, 3, and 4, the most practicable are teacher-made learning activity sheets (LAS) either printed or in digital format. Teacher-made self learning modules and video lessons may also be used as MOVs for these objectives. 

For Objective 1, the teacher must see to it that the lessons to be observed contains integration of content and skills.

For Objective 2, creating and using suitable digital teaching and learning materials and their derivatives (printed) such as SLM, LAS, performance activity, etc. must be sufficient MOV.

In Objective 3, the teacher-made materials must be contain activities that would help learners develop critical and creative thinking. Examples are problem solving, situational analysis, and reflections.

Objective 4 requires that the teacher-made materials recognizes and respects the learners' varying contexts. This could be achieved by integrating into the materials references to local cultures, popular cultures, and avoiding discrimination.

Objective 5 is most applicable in today's learner context and a teacher's strategy must be suited to distance learning and it must be evident during the observation.

MOVs for Objective 6 may include:
  • a copy of printed SLM, LAS, portfolio, summative test, etc. accomplished by a learner with written feedbacks by the teacher
  • a printout of a screenshot of a conversation between teacher and learner via instant messaging, email, SMS, and other electronic applications (name of learners must be blurred or removed) that shows constructive feedback
Objective 7 must be self-evident. Again, appropriateness is the key. The teacher have to make sure that the teaching and learning materials are suitable to the context of the learners.

For Objective 8, the teacher-made learning material must reflect competencies from the MELC and that the objectives are achievable for them to serve as MOVs. This could be shown by comparing the objectives with the MELC and designing rubrics for assessment that would appropriately describe the target output.

Basically, Objective 9 is a requirement for teachers to reach out to the community and  the parents to facilitate their involvement in the school. Evidences might include certificate of appearance or monitoring form signed by barangay official during distribution/retrieval of SLMs, parent-teacher encounter form, attendance sheets and minutes during meeting with parents and other stakeholders.

Certificate of participation or recognition to any webinar, seminar, retooling, training, short courses, benchmarking, or LAC sessions must be sufficient MOVs for Objective 10.

If a teacher is currently enrolled in a graduate study (diploma, masteral, doctoral) or other professional development programs (some ratees may also consider Trainer's Methodology or TM), proof of enrollment could be an MOV for Objective 11. Another MOV is the accomplished Part IV of the IPCRF or the Development Plans.

Objective 12 is Plus Factor. Rating here is based on the involvement of the teacher in related activities beyond the usual teaching tasks. Evidence may include:
  • memorandum and certificate of commendation/appreciation for being a member/chairperson  of a committee (school/district/division/regional/national)
  • memorandum and certificate as writer/validator of SLM and other instructional materials
  • certificate for coaching learners in competitions
  • mentoring (as cooperating teacher) to pre-service (student) teachers
  • certificate as demonstration teacher
  • certificate as research presenter
As an example, refer to the table below of how a Senior High School teacher could organize his/her RPMS portfolio of MOVs for the IPCRF.


Grade 2 EsP Learning Module 4th Quarter
